Helpful Resources, Tools & Guidance
To help guide you through the process of specifying, estimating, and installing Ultra Base Systems, we are happy to provide you tools and information that can help you with this process.

Product Specs
The specifications for all Ultra Base panels are listed on the individual product pages which include links to downloadable PDFs. Visit the main Products section of the website for more information.

If you have more questions about the performance characteristics of our panels or which panel to specify, you can always Contact Us or visit our FAQs for answers to common questions.

CAD Details
Ultra Base provides CAD files through CADdetails, an organization that helps architects integrate manufacturer's product information into working plans and specification documents.
Let us help you with the estimating process so you can see how much you can save by using Ultra Base panels.

Panel Calculator
Enter the dimensions of your project along with your desired panel and the Panel Calculator will provide the total number of panels required along with the number of pallets and boxes.

Request Quote
After using the Panel Calculator or calling our team to help determine the number of panels you require, our team can assemble a cost estimate for your project.

Sourcewell Approved
As a Sourcewell supplier, Ultra Base utilizes an expedited bidding process to help registered education, government, and nonprofit agencies boost student and community success.
Other Information
Our goal is to keep you as informed as possible. Please view additional support documents below or contact us for more information.

View our library of installation manuals to learn more about how to prepare the land, install our panels and add turf.

Learn more about our comprehensive warranties using these downloadable PDFs.

Visit our YouTube channel to view our comprehensive library of educational and informational videos.
Get Started with Ultra Base Today
Talk to an Ultra Base team member today to discuss your project, application, and pricing options. Our experienced team will ensure you're choosing the right Ultra Base product for your application.