Structural Support & Drainage for Golf Greens
Designed for building both outdoor and indoor putting greens, these proven base systems have been used by many of the top golf equipment manufacturers, teaching pros and others for decades.

Elite Panel
This 2-inch tall panel system features six different panels ideal for creating all types of indoor putting greens and other applications requiring a raised surface.

Professional Panel
Ideal for use in constructing outdoor and rooftop putting greens, this 1.25" tall system includes panels with integrated cup holes and provides stable, flat surface that drains well.

Foam Contours
Primarily used on indoor putting greens, rigid foam contours allow one to create the realistic undulations and breaks one would experience when playing a typical country club putting green.

Player Series Putting Greens
Modular Putting Green Kits
Our innovative Players Series putting green kits, simplify the construction process - allowing virtually anyone to quickly and easily achieve a professionally installed look and excellent performance.
Get Started with Ultra Base Today
Talk to an Ultra Base team member today to discuss your project, application, and pricing options. Our experienced team will ensure you're choosing the right Ultra Base product for your application.